It’s Funny What It Takes…

…to make people learn about hearing disability and Cochlear Implants.

In some ways, it still amazes me the number of times folk ‘share’ the latest viral video of an emotional CI switch on with me through social media. I don’t say this because they shouldn’t; I don’t say this because every one of these very personal videos is not a small miracle; I say it because 31 years after the first ‘official’ CI switch on, people are still only just recognising that CIs are here to stay; that they change lives every day and that they are part of everyday life; much like glasses to those of us with failing eyesight….

I have no interest in entering into a debate about the cultural issues surrounding hearing disability. Parents make decisions for their children every day; some big, some small. For my babies they have been life changing decisions and ones I will never regret. Nobody could ever tell me they were the wrong decisions.

For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, here is the video of Joanne Milne – the same age as me – being ‘switched on’ for the first time. It has ‘gone viral’ simply because it shows that joyous instant of intense human emotion – one that most people will never experience or understand – when a life changes forever. Having seen two of my children go through the same thing, albeit deprived of the adult understanding that adds significance to the moment, I can share and understand every tear. I cannot watch the videos of Alice and Ollie being switched-on without crying like a baby. I am so glad Alice’s mummy had the chance to say her bit on the BBC World Service this evening about the wonder of CIs and the wonder they have brought to our family.

Every day in my house is a small miracle and we are so very thankful for the fact our children now have choices: There is nothing, now, they can’t have because of our choices. They can achieve anything they like, they can attend whichever identity they please and they, most of all, can make these decisions for themselves.

I, for one, will always thank Graeme Clark for what he has done for my family…


2 responses

    • Never doubt, for a moment, that we don’t count our stars every day that it has worked out so well for our family. I can’t imagine how it must feel in your situation; the doubts, the guilt…..I can only hope for you and your baby that these are early days and that you look back, in time, and it is not so black and white.

      I saw your post where you mentioned the Guardian article…I so understand your emotions but, for the sake of my babies and the people who need to hear a positive story, I hope you will forgive us sharing our babies’ story

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