Find An Expert

We have had the privilege to meet a large number of ANSD experts over the past few years and have exchanged phone calls and emails with many, many more. One thing Parents often ask us is “who can I talk to?”.

We thought, therefore, that it would be useful to keep a list of experts (or individuals with significant experience of ANSD), by location, to help those people who, like us, just wanted someone to talk to. We certainly don’t know them all, so please email us if you would like us to add to the list.


United Kingdom

Kai Uus, Lecturer In Audiology, University of Manchester

Wendy Albuquerque, Paedeatric Audiologist, St. Georges Hospital, London

David Selvadurai, Consultant ENT Surgeon, St. George’s Hospital, London

Rosie Richardson , Clinical Lead, Auditory Verbal UK, Oxfordshire

Tony Sirimanna, Consultant Audiologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London




Charles (Chuck) Berlin, Research Professor, University of South Florida

Patricia Roush, Director, Paedeatric Audiology, University of North Carolina SoM

Linda J. Hood, Professor, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University

Arnold Starr, Research Professor, Neurology, University of Carolina – Irvine



Catherine McMahon, Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University, Sydney

Kirtsy Gardner-Berry, Audiologist, Sydney Cochlear Implant Centre
